Sartori Jewelry and Loan is the premiere pawn shop in the Torrance and the greater Los Angeles area. Receive top dollar for your high quality items such as jewelry, electronics, designer handbags, antiques and much more! We are a family owned and operated pawn shop in downtown Torrance and pride ourselves in giving you the best service possible. 

Collateral loans are a terrific way to secure money quickly and we always disclose our terms and fees upfront as follows:

Loan Period: Minimum 61 Days - Maximum 6 Months • Grace Period: 10 Days
Per CFC § 21203, the term "month" means a period of time consisting of 30 consecutive calendar days.

UNDER $2,500: 1st 3 Months: On loans for which the amount financed is below $2,500, the maximum interest charges for the first three (3) months are as follows, CFC§ 21200.5:

Amount of Loan Charge

Interest Charge

Amount Of Loan


1¢ to $19.99


$75.00 to $99.99


$20.00 to $49.99


$100.00 to $174.99


$50.00 to $74.9


$175.00 to $2,499.99

9% of Amount Loaned


Example of Loan APR. 34%:

$2000 loan for 4 months with charges and fees $2,240 APR. 34%.